These questions are the first part of the information gathering process and help us move through discovery much faster. Your answers will help to us learn about your goals for the way a visitor will experience and interact with the website and many other aspects of your business.

    About Your Company

    Your Name (required)

    Company Name (required)




    Zip Code

    Email (required)

    Phone (required)

    Who are the primary contacts from your organization? Please list names, titles, email addresses, and phone numbers.

    Who has final approval on the project?

    Tell us about your company and your product(s) and/or services. What do you do?

    About Your Project

    Website Domain Name/s (current or planned)

    Please describe the service this site is intended to provide or promote.

    Are there any problems with your current website that you would like to be fixed?

    What goals do you hope to reach with your new website?

    Check all requirements that you would like to see applied to your project.


    Describe each website requirement in detail, if needed.

    Do you have any input as to the color scheme or any other design/styling to be applied to your website?

    What is your intended launch date for the project?

    Are there any outside considerations that might affect the schedule or launch date (for example, vacations and conferences)?

    Use 2 or 3 adjectives to describe how your site visitor should perceive the new site. (Examples include clean, modern, minimalist, prestigious, friendly, corporate, fun, forward thinking, innovative, and cutting edge.)

    List the website addresses of any sites you find compelling. What specifically do you like about these sites? What don’t you like? (Please do not skip this step!)

    Will you be providing your own images for the website?


    Who will be responsible for maintaining and making content updates to your website after it is launched?


    Do you have an existing or planned marketing strategy in mind to promote this site? If so, please describe.

    About Your Competition

    What are the website addresses of your competitors? What are their strengths and/or weaknesses?

    How is your company different from your competitors?

    What is your expected budget range for this project? Answering this question will help us determine the best way of developing your website and what can be produced within your budget.

    About Your Audience and Users

    Describe a typical website visitor. What do they generally use the web for? Give basic demographics: age, occupation, income level, purchasing habits. (Use as much detail as possible in profiling your target user. Profile more than one type if appropriate.)

    What are the primary “actions” the site visitor should take when coming to your site (make a purchase, become a member, search for information, contact for more information, subscribe to newsletter, buy products, read content, etc.)?

    Please let us know any more information or any more input as to the details of you project and website.

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